Vodun (Interview)

Vodun interview 2000 trees feature review band ascent review spirits past

Although music is technically always an experience, some bands fit that description more accurately than others. Vodun are one such group, dealing in heavy and soulful afro-psych.

What is afro-psych? Well, it’s basically this:

Music festivals are clearly Vodun’s natural habitat – and appropriately enough, we’re fast approaching one of the UK’s best…

You’re playing a set at 2000 Trees 2018, and it kicks off in a couple of weeks. How are your preparations going?

We’ve all been pretty busy, but we’ll start rehearsing for it next week. We’re running through a few old songs and a couple from our new album, which is due out in September.

What happened at your first ever gig as Vodun? How did the audience react?

There was fire, that much we can tell you.

Generally, audiences tend to stare for a while to try and figure us out – but when they let go and let the music take them, that’s the turning point.

If an elderly Daily Mail reader asked what you sound like, what would you tell them?

The sound of the revolution.

What’s the oddest thing you’ve had happen during a live set?

Once, in an old incarnation of this band – Invasion – my cymbal fell down mid song, and the drummer from Hawkwind suddenly appeared onstage and fixed it for me!

When you were growing up, which gigs had a real impact on you?

We didn’t get many of the bigger live gigs down in Cornwall, but I always love the energy and excitement of a sweaty punk rock show.

If there were no financial limits involved, what would your ideal festival stage show look like?

Pyro, colour, dancers, percussionists, mapped visuals – the whole shebang.

Once 2000 Trees is done, what’s on your to-do list for the rest of 2018?

More festivals, then we release our new album Ascend on September 7th – so a UK tour and Europe shortly after.

We hope to reach other shores in 2019 on the back of the release of Ascend.

Vodun play The Cave at 2000 Trees 2018 on Friday July 13.

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Posted on 29 June 2018

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