Dave McPherson (Interview)

As a cult musical hero and prolific solo artist – not to mention the frontman of long-running British alt-metal survivors InMe – Dave McPherson is a natural choice for 2000 Trees’ first-night post-headliner Forest Session. Read on to learn about his special plan for 2000 Trees 2018, accidental onstage unconsciousness, and a passionate declaration of love for one of the UK’s best festivals…
You’re playing the Forest Sessions stage at 2000 Trees, and it kicks off in a week or so. What thoughts and feelings are going through your mind at the moment?
That’s pretty forward for an opening question, so I’ll be upfront in return.
You are 2000 Trees. I’ve actually been secretly in love with you since 2007, and can’t play it cool anymore. Once a year you are my true love champion of weekends, and I think you’re the best festival I’ve ever met.
Romantic banter aside, I can’t wait to be Thursday’s Forest finale this year. I just know it’s going to be a special time. Apologies for gushing.
When you were growing up, which gigs had a real impact on you?
My dad often took me to gigs growing up. Many took place at Pam’s Blues Bar, which was part of The Essex Arms in Brentwood. I got to witness Wilko Johnson, Dumpy’s Rusty Nuts and Stray there.
Bon Jovi at Wembley Stadium with Van Halen and Thunder was also pretty cool. I got to see them at Milton Keynes Bowl with Gun supporting too – which is pretty cool as we did a couple of very special shows with them last year.
Also Meshuggah, TesseracT, Black Peaks, EMPIRE, Press To MECO, Karnivool, Maiden, Deftones, Muse, Frank Turner – the list goes on and on. Live music is awesome.
What was your first ever festival experience? How did it go?
I went to Ozzfest in ’98 with my brother Greg and my dad. We watched Foo Fighters, Pantera, Slayer, Fear Factory, Therapy?, Soulfly, and loads more. A very good day for me.
Any festival survival tips?
Open that little vent on your tent’s front door, and make sure you have plenty water for bedtime! Try to leave your worries at home until Monday; festivals are equivalent to holidays in fun measures.
If an inebriated stranger were to ask what you sound like, what would be your response?
Much worse when you’re sober.
What’s the strangest thing that’s ever taken place during one of your live shows?
I knocked myself out momentarily and smashed my guitar, thinking I was a stuntman. I ran at the stage wall, jumped and kicked off the wall, and headbutted the ceiling beam – which was very luckily padded.
Do you have anything special planned for your set at 2000 Trees?
I actually have a song called 2000 Trees which came from a tune I wrote with my buddy Marc Halls. I’ve kinda shied away from it, but I’m gonna give it a go this year.
Once 2000 Trees is done, what are you up to for the rest of the year?
Touring solo this month and September for my ashamedly very belated album, Pastels In The Old Trawler. Also working passionately on the next InMe release, and touring with A and Wheatus in November!
Dave McPherson plays the Forest Sessions Stage at 2000 Trees 2018 on Thursday July 12.
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