Fatherson (Interview)

Since 2000 Trees is an alternative festival, Fatherson fit right in. With a double appearance planned for said event and an album release on the horizon, drummer Greg Walkinshaw and I talked about super-crowded venues, stage invasions, and more…
You’re playing both the Forest and Main Stage at 2000 Trees, and it kicks off in a couple of days. How’re the preparations going?
Things have been good – we spent a lot of time in the rehearsal room, playing and getting reacquainted with our instruments after a few months off. It’s been a nice break, but we are ready and raring to go now!
When you were growing up, which gigs had a real impact on you?
Growing up in Ayrshire, there was a very active music scene that had a big impact on all of us. Going to as many gigs as we could every week and seeing our friends’ bands play in tiny 50-capacity venues with 100 people in them really shaped our perception of what music could be.
There was always a real energy in those rooms, and a community spirit that we try to replicate at our shows as much as we can.
What was your first ever festival experience? How did it go?
We played T In The Park back in 2010, and I remember being really REALLY nervous about it. We had stayed all weekend for our set on the Sunday afternoon, and the only thing I can remember about that gig was Ross turning up out of nowhere about five minutes before we were due on stage with a big ice cream in his hand and looking very pleased with himself! I think the show went pretty well.
Any festival survival tips?
Don’t do a mud slide.
If an inebriated stranger were to ask what you sound like, what would be your response?
American indie influenced by a lot of rainy days (although if they were really drunk, I’d probably just ask them who their favourite band is and say we sound like that!).
What happened at the first gig you ever played?
The first show we ever played was in a scout hall – and I think I forgot how to play the drums to one of the songs, so I just sat in the audience and ate an Irn Bru bar!
What’s the strangest thing that’s ever taken place during a Fatherson set?
We headlined Electric Fields a couple of years ago, and during the last song, the barriers came down and the crowd came up onto the stage for a big dance and singalong, which was really cool but quite unexpected!
Do you have anything special planned for your sets at 2000 Trees?
We will be road-testing a few new songs at the festival, which we are very excited about. The Forest Session is going to be a lot of fun as well…
Once 2000 Trees is done, what have you got planned for the rest of the year?
Our new album Sum Of All Your Parts is coming out on September 14, so we will be touring a lot and trying to play it to as many people in as many different places as possible!
Fatherson play the Main Stage and Forest Sessions at 2000 Trees 2018 on Friday July 13.
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