Underground Greats: Toska

Toska Fire By The Silos Review Bandcamp Live Review Ode To The Author EP Launch Band Rabea Massaad Ben Minal Dave Hollingworth Rob Chapman Dorje Tour Album

Although we’re only about two thirds of the way through 2018, 2019 looks to be Toska’s year. Made up of three quarters of chart-topping alt-rock-prog-metal internet sensations Dorje, Toska have already proven themselves as virtuosos – not to mention awesome music teachers. Guitarist Rabea Massaad and bassist Dave Hollingworth can be found teaching six-string skills and Jedi-level production through online music school Musicisum, founded and owned by bandmate and drumming octopus Ben Minal.

These guys know their shit, and to argue otherwise would be akin to siding with Flat Earthers.

Let’s not go there.

New Toska music has been a long time coming. Debut and sole EP Ode To The Author dropped back in February 2016, while its live counterpart (appropriately titled Ode To The Author Live) arrived exactly a year later. Since Ode To The Author, Toska’s live prowess has boosted their reputation still further; after ArcTanGent 2017, Toska topped an official fan-picked list of favourite Main Stage bands, winning more votes than the second- and third-placed acts put together.

This year, they’re set to brutalise ArcTanGent’s PX3 stage – and those in attendance can look forward to witnessing this kind of awesomeness:

Beyond ArcTanGent, these guys will be moving on to support Australian guitar virtuoso Plini in London and – at long last – putting out a full-length album that will, undoubtedly, be completely fucking mental. It’s called Fire By The Silos, and Jesus, just look at the cover art:

Toska Fire By The Silos Review Rabea Massaad Ben Minal Dave Hollingworth Rob Chapman Dorje Musicisum

November 2 is going to be a great day for progressive music – and from there, Toska will be guaranteed access to yet another level of success. As heavy and instrumental peers like Plini and Animals As Leaders have already proven, there’s plenty of scope for further expansion. Toska’s time has taken its time in getting here, but now it’s almost upon us all.

The hype is already justified. Now we just need to wait a little longer…

Keep up to date with Toska’s goings-on via their official Facebook page.

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Posted on 01 August 2018

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