Julia Biel: MOBOs, Writing, & Memories [Interview]

One of the keys to creativity is a generous attitude. You can’t be stingy when it comes to putting something out there – you have to give it all you’ve got, holding as little back as possible. This interview reflects Julia Biel’s adoption of said attitude.
With a fantastic album (Love Letters And Other Missiles) behind her, a MOBO nomination in the present, and the MOBO Awards and an awesome remix EP on the horizon, TMMP caught up with Julia Biel to discuss writing, memories, and more…
You’ve been nominated for a MOBO Award, and you have a new remix EP out next month. Sounds like a busy time! What thoughts and feelings are going through your head right now?
It’s been a really busy year, yeah! Loads of touring abroad to lots of new places, and then the MOBO nomination and now getting to release the remix EP feels like the icing on the cake.
At the moment, I’m mainly feeling really grateful for all of it. I feel very privileged to be getting these opportunities.
While you were writing and recording Love Letters And Other Missiles, what was your creative process like? What did you have to do to make your ideas a reality?
I was writing songs at the piano late at night without really having an album in mind, but just letting the songs emerge as and when they did.
There was no pressure, no label to hurry me, no one telling me how they had to sound, just total freedom to write how and what I wanted. It was a great time as it was also the first time I was Read more…