Takedown Festival 2015 [Festival Preview]

TD-23-01-15-ANNOUNCEMENTbPlanning a quiet night in this Saturday? Considering lighting some scented candles, taking a bubble bath, and listening to some light jazz?

The hell you are!

If you’re a serious UK rock fan, you’re doing one of two things this weekend. You’re either heading to Southampton for Takedown Festival and getting sweaty in the pit for an immense lineup of epic bands, or Read more…

Posted on 04 March 2015

TMMP’s Top Gigs Of 2014

2014 has been a difficult time for underground live music in the UK. With small venues across the country facing all manner of issues, it was heartening to see the team behind Guildford’s Boileroom make it through an emotionally trying licence review process and move on to host some incredible gigs and community-oriented events. With any luck, 2015 will see a change in fortunes for venues like the Boileroom.

From intimate showings from ska legends to inhumanly tight math-pop sets via beatboxing virtuosity and an audience with the professor of punk, here are TMMP’s top gigs of 2014. Read more…

Posted on 21 December 2014

Marmozets / Lonely The Brave / Allusondrugs [Live Review – The Scala, London, 10/10/14]

marmozets scalaSomewhere in the labyrinthine depths of the Scala, Allusondrugs got this Friday night off to a raucously grungy start. Stir remained as shiver-inducing as ever, while the Reuben-esque Am I Weird? elicited laughter followed by hectic headbanging. Throughout this short but perfectly formed set, Allusondrugs shone through the dirt like a five-piece Nirvana, with jagged guitars rending the air before climaxing amid a frontman-versus-guitarist wrestling match. Read more…

Posted on 11 October 2014

Allusondrugs / Scouts / Happy Accidents / Belladonnas [Live Review – The Boileroom, Guildford, 21/9/14]

allusondrugs boileroom


Given how inexperienced and nervous Belladonnas were, critically deconstructing this set and expecting it to meet professional-grade standards wouldn’t be fair. Although Belladonnas have some decent songs and got a good crowd response, more practice and gigging experience is definitely needed. Effective grunge sets always seem as if they’re on the verge of falling apart – but beneath it all is a solid core of highly experienced musicianship that enables the performers to find the right balance between rags and riches.

With time, I’m sure Belladonnas will find that balance too.

Happy Accidents

Melodic garage punk that could fit easily onto the Scott Pilgrim soundtrack. Rough edged pop songs with cool grooves and a decent if patchy vocal performance. Nothing massively original and more work needed, but well done and entertaining. Read more…

Posted on 22 September 2014

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