Beardyman – ‘Distractions’ [Review]

beardyman distractions

In an age of instant gratification, where everyone wants everything yesterday, dropping a sophomore album over three and a half years after your debut can be an anxiety-provoking event. It can be argued that music fans are more fickle than ever, easily susceptible as we all are to distraction and immediate amnesia – and under such conditions, almost any musician could reasonably expect the world to have moved on over the course of 42 minutes, let alone months. However, Beardyman is no standard-issue artist. Read more…

Posted on 08 November 2014

Aphex Twin – ‘Syro’ [Review]

aphex twin syroAphex Twin represents a musical culture all his own. If you’re new to Cornwall’s most unorthodox export, then look no further than this brand new album for proof. Take in minipops 67‘s sandpapery beats; 4 bit 9d api+e+6‘s vibrating bass bubbles; and 180db_‘s demonic dissolving-club vibe – or try out CIRCLONT6A, where 8-bit bloops find themselves ambushed by subterranean bass monsters. It’s overwhelming and even oppressive at times, but nonetheless deeply rewarding. Read more…

Posted on 22 September 2014

Fjokra – ‘Get Amongst It’ [Review]

fjokraDamn – this is exciting stuff! Slinky and sexy synths; solid beats; twisted melodicism; and an Aphex-Twin-meets-TheXFiles video. Good god. Read more…

Posted on 02 August 2014

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