Natalie Ross – ‘The Thrill Of It All’ [Review]

We all know what it’s like to see an awesome live set, forget to check out the act’s recordings after the show, and rediscover them somewhere down the line. You know what comes next: You wind up kicking yourself, all the while berating your brain cells for allowing it to happen in the first place.

In this instance, that horrible sense of self-loathing was mercifully avoided. Having watched and reviewed Natalie Ross’s Independent Venue Week set at the Boileroom in Guildford, I set about searching and unearthed The Thrill of It All. Read more…

Posted on 11 February 2014

Princess Slayer / Jamie Lenman / Natalie Ross / CeCe [Live Review – The Boileroom, Guildford, 31/1/14]

independent venue weekThe last couple of months have been a little quiet on the live review front – but this show marked the ideal moment to get back into the swing of things. As the Boileroom’s contribution to Independent Venue Week, it was guaranteed to be a stunner before the doors even opened; and it really goes without saying that the night was incredible, from start to finish. Read more…

Posted on 03 February 2014

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