Thomas Giles – ‘Modern Noise’ [Review]

thomas giles modern noiseIn music, the term ‘side project’ is all too often synonymous with ‘pretentious and execrable waste of time’. Not so here – although given that we’re talking about a member of Between The Buried And Me (who even managed to put out a non-shitty covers album), it shouldn’t be that much of a surprise. Read more…

Posted on 11 December 2014

Trioscapes – ‘Digital Dream Sequence’ [Review]

trioscapes digital dream sequenceTMMP is all about stretching beyond your comfort zone – and this set of super-intricate fusion tunes will definitely aid in that quest, regardless of how “out-there” you may have been before. Read more…

Posted on 17 September 2014

Ilenkus – ‘The Crossing’ [Review]

The Crossing ArtworkIrish prog-metallers Ilenkus sure know how to stir things up. The moment opening track Devourer kicks in, we’re chucked into a merciless rhythmic maelstrom and dragged through tangential twists and turns punctuated with screams that might echo our own, were we allowed to pause for breath. Relentlessly intense, skin-rendingly cathartic, and hectic as fuck – and that’s just the first track. Read more…

Posted on 03 September 2014

Júlio Stotz – ‘Suspended In Reverie’ [Review]

Julio stotz suspended in reverieOne of my favourite things about the Internet is easy access to music from across the world. Here at TMMP, I’ve been honoured to hear music from the UK, the USA, Belgium, France, Israel, Japan, and many other territories besides. Júlio Stotz hails from Brazil – and his debut EP Suspended In Reverie is a confident, flamboyant, and solid-as-concrete construction. Read more…

Posted on 16 April 2014

Doomed From Day One – ‘Nine Fingers’ [Review]

I’ve never made a big secret of the fact that I love Guildford’s music scene. The sheer amount of musical talent hidden below the level of fashion-clone high street shops and uppity snobs with Come Dine With Me dreams is mind-boggling. Scratch away the net-worth-obsessed surface and you’ll find pop singers, gypsy jazz quintets, folk dreamers, alt-rock groups and, in Doomed From Day One, prog-metal titans in waiting. When they get big, many will assume DFDO’s success to have been some overnight phenomenon – but that’s simply not true. Doomed From Day One have already spent countless nights slogging around the local gig circuit, and their hard work is finally paying off. Nine Fingers is evidence of this. Full track-by-track analysis below: Read more…

Posted on 10 January 2014

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