Black Peaks – ‘Glass Built Castles’ [Review]

black peaks glass built castles

UPDATE: TMMP has been reborn! This video has the full story:

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Genres and scenes can be separated into three groups: those who lead, those who follow, and Read more…

Posted on 03 February 2015

TMMP’s EPs & Tracks Of 2014

I have a very strong emotional attachment to many of the releases listed below. Choosing this list was exceptionally tough; I’ve been fortunate to discover some incredible bands and artists over the past year, and it’s safe to say that outside this list lie a great many immense tunes that can be found via a quick browse through TMMP’s archives when you’re done with this lot. However, the following choices are the cream of the crop. Read more…

Posted on 27 December 2014

Palm Reader – ‘I Watch The Fire Chase My Tongue’ [Review]

palm reader 2015Hardcore isn’t normally the kind of music I can get into outside of live shows – but with this track, Palm Reader just became an exception to that rule. Maybe it’s the ultra-complex DEP-meets-the-theme-from-28DaysLater vibe; maybe it’s my fresh, indignant anger at YouTube’s incessant insistence that I spend my time on their site consuming some Creationism-endorsing crapfest; or maybe it’s the bleakly abstract video below efficiently complementing this track’s relentless and ear-rending catharsis. Well, whatever – I Watch The Fire Chase My Tongue is fucking excellent, and if this is just a taste of what to expect from Palm Reader’s next album (Beside The Ones We Love, due out in 2015), then it’s also a reason to get very goddamn excited indeed. Read more…

Posted on 03 December 2014

Marmozets – ‘The Weird And Wonderful Marmozets’ [Review]

marmozets albumRegular TMMP readers (as well as my family, friends, and any stranger who’s sat next to me on the train for more than five minutes) will probably be sick to death of hearing me rant about how goddamn amazing Marmozets are. Well, I have many a good reason for doing so – and this 13-track slab of genius is another one to add to the list. Read more…

Posted on 24 September 2014

Red Seas Fire – ‘Confrontation’ [Review]

red seas fire confrontationMetal’s been around for a long time now – but it never ceases to amaze me how many musicians are still finding ways to breathe new life into a genre so frequently mocked for its backward-looking retromania.

On Confrontation, Red Seas Fire take all manner of pre-existing metallic mutations and mix them into still another fresh sound. Think Korn’s first album mixed with Periphery’s latest and you have Tyrants; visualise Chester Bennington laying down vocals over a Killswitch Engage / Tesseract jam and you’ll get closing track Compass. The Gold Room, meanwhile, offers fuzzy riffs and hardcore vocals alongside catchy lyrics sure to translate live and a bit of Dillinger Escape Plan-esque mathiness toward the end, while The Grand Escape is pure djent-fuelled filth. In short, Confrontation is all killer, and absolutely no filler. Read more…

Posted on 17 September 2014

The Dillinger Escape Plan feat. Jarren Benton – ‘Rage’ [Review]

converse ep vol 2This track broke my brain, in a good way. By all rights, rapping and flowing over Dillinger’s hyper-complex mathcore insanity should be as impossible as taking flight by flapping your arms really quickly – but on Rage Jarren Benton proves that assumption wrong with style, panache, and still more style. Math-rap should be a thing, especially considering a) how hard this track wins; b) that being able to rap over something that’s not in 4/4 is as worthy a thing to boast about as the size of your bank account and/or cock; and c) that Jarren Benton’s only current competition (see YouTube below) are missing the point entirely. Read more…

Posted on 15 September 2014

Ilenkus – ‘The Crossing’ [Review]

The Crossing ArtworkIrish prog-metallers Ilenkus sure know how to stir things up. The moment opening track Devourer kicks in, we’re chucked into a merciless rhythmic maelstrom and dragged through tangential twists and turns punctuated with screams that might echo our own, were we allowed to pause for breath. Relentlessly intense, skin-rendingly cathartic, and hectic as fuck – and that’s just the first track. Read more…

Posted on 03 September 2014

A Guide To Chronographs [Special Feature]

chronographsChronographs are a recent discovery, and they’ve made a real impact in a very short time. I’ve written a lot recently about how I try to offer constructive criticism where possible; but I just can’t think of any way to improve this band. Chronographs are like a firework with a lit fuse. Your best course of action is to stand well back, and watch them go. Read more…

Posted on 10 July 2014

Give It Away – Or Just Give Up? [Music Business Advice]

Free Music.

Having read those words, your brain is most likely already overflowing with thoughts, ideas, and opinions. Free music is, to say the least, a controversial topic that raises all kinds of questions, such as these: Read more…

Posted on 31 May 2014

Now, Voyager – ‘Tell-Tale Hearts EP’ [Review]

Well, fuck me. These kids are pretty angry! Hardcore prog-punk’s been a fairly trendy genre since the rock world wised up to the genius of The Dillinger Escape Plan, and few bands following in Dillinger’s wake have made a serious, crystal-clear-obvious effort to escape their heroes’ back-flipping, ceiling-walking, onstage-shit-flinging shadow. But on Tell-Tale Hearts Now, Voyager do precisely that.  Read more…

Posted on 25 January 2014

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