TMMP’s Top Albums Of 2014

The “death of the album” has been declared many times in recent years – but nonetheless, musicians keep making them and are showing no signs of stopping (and thank God for that!). Almost a decade and a half into the twenty-first century, there still exist bands and artists capable of composing immersive, engaging, and fully satisfying collections of songs that stand up to repeated, unshuffled listens. Here are fifteen of them. Read more…

Posted on 29 December 2014

Morning Bound – ‘Morning Bound’ [Review]

morning boundI’m really happy to see that prog-pop is slowly becoming A Thing. Dirty Loops, Eyal Amir, Project RnL, Maxi Curnow, Signals, and many others have a real knack for melding beautiful songwriting with unorthodox arrangements and stellar musicianship to create a fresh and exciting new sound crammed with so much potential for variation that it makes the stuck-solid formulae still relied on for pop chart success seem exhausted and thickly cobwebbed by comparison. Read more…

Posted on 15 June 2014

Dirty Loops – ‘Loopified’ [Review]

dirty loopsAlthough YouTube is home to a vast number of musicians of note, few bands have demonstrated YouTube’s marketing power as efficiently as Dirty Loops. A Swedish power trio whose fusion-flavoured take on Lady Gaga’s mega-hit Just Dance catapulted them into the online eye, Dirty Loops’ YouTube channel has attracted over 100,000 subscribers and 15.5m views while being home to just ten videos. Not bad for a group known as much for their collective technical abilities as their song-related skills.

Make no mistake – Dirty Loops are a musician’s band. Every track on Loopified is a compositional and technical masterclass, and no self-respecting muso is likely to run out of inspiration here. But what really sets Dirty Loops apart is their ability to appeal to a wider crowd. Read more…

Posted on 19 May 2014

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