John Brown’s Body – ‘Kings And Queens In Dub’ [Review]

john browns body kings queensWhen all the strains and stresses of the modern world get on top of you, few entertainment options leave you really relaxed. I’m totally into the intense and hectic end of the musical spectrum – but even I’ll admit that sometimes it’s not the right thing at the right time. When I’ve just about had enough, dub and reggae do Read more…

Posted on 24 March 2015

New Kingston [Interview]

new kingston press shotNew Kingston are a band on the rise right now – and it’s safe to say they’ve earned it. From Brooklyn basements to an album (their third, Kingston City, reviewed here) released on New York’s own Easy Star Records, New Kingston have poured everything they have into their band, and are Read more…

Posted on 14 February 2015

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