Erika – ‘Onna’ [Review]

Erika Onna EP Review 2016 Bugeisha

UPDATE: TMMP has been reborn! This video has the full story:

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In music, women generally aren’t allowed to be kickass. They can be sex objects, sure, positioning themselves as submissive man-pleasers or manipulative man-eaters…but not much else. Any emotions they happen to show are usually interpreted as attempts at avoiding the dumb-bimbo label, or open invitations into the Black Widow’s web.

In reality, those emotions may be real – and the women themselves are obviously not objects but real people, with their own Read more…

Posted on 23 April 2016

Petrol Girls – ‘Some Thing’ [Review]

Petrol Girls - Some Thing

In a culture that’s become increasingly impersonal and dehumanising, bands willing to get their hands dirty and dig into real, human issues are more essential than ever before. Turn on the radio and you’ll hear plenty of auto-tuned and hyperquantized songs about going to a club and getting “crunk on da flo’,” but turn it off and look around you and you immediately realise that the radio doesn’t reflect reality.


Because it’s easier to bury your head in the sand than it is to take even the smallest of actions. Petrol Girls get this – and Read more…

Posted on 19 January 2016

Sonic Boom Six – ‘No Man No Right’: If Feminism Makes You Uncomfortable, You Need To Check This Out. [Review]

Sonic Boom Six The F-Bomb No Man No Right Feminism Song Review Camden Rocks Festival 2016 From The Fire To the Frying Pan YouTube Video Single Stream Download Torrent Racism Racist Best Top Album Of The Year 2016 TMMP Barney Laila Khan Do What You Wanna Do Drop The Bass And Pick It Up Train Leaves Tomorrow LOVE Worship Yourself Joanna All The Same To Me Echoes In The Dark Interview Guitar Guitarist Vocalist Vocals Drummer Drums Bass Bassist Feature Album EP Single Review CD Concert Gig Tickets Tour Download Stream Live Show Torrent Music Musician Record Label News Update Facebook YouTube channel Twitter VEVO Spotify iTunes Apple Music Band Logo Cover Art Bandcamp Soundcloud Release Date Digital Cover Art Artwork Split Why Did Break Up New Final Last Latest News Update

UPDATE: TMMP has been reborn! This video has the full story:

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As a straight white guy who spends a lot of his life around music, I get a lot of stick for standing up for anyone who doesn’t fit that same template. But it’s worth doing – and it’s also awesome to be able to point to bands like Sonic Boom Six and say “Look – they’re doing it right!

No Man No Right – a fun but equally powerful pro-woman ska track, complete with tongue-in-cheek video and infused with that inimitable Sonic Boom Six style – is right on the money. But there’s a question lurking out there – “But you’re a man. So why do you give a shit anyway?”

Here are a few experiences that answer that question:

1) Seeing countless women at rock / punk / metal shows getting leered at, harassed, and/or subjected to the sadly-classic and none-more-creepy “Mystery Grope”;

2) Listening to assorted tossers at shows pointing out to their mates that a female performer is “…pretty good for a girl!” (especially at acoustic shows, where chatting over the performers marks you out as a prick to begin with);

3) Watching female performers “grin and bear it” through sets punctuated by enthusiastic requests that they Read more…

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Posted on 26 October 2015

The Surrey Feminista Society [Special Feature]

surrey feminista societyAlthough it may seem unusual, indie music venues often host a wide range of alternative, non-musical events. Some are entertainment-focussed (comedy, spoken word and poetry evenings); some promote a variety of artistic pursuits (painting, sculpture, tattooing, etc); and others explore intellectually simulating topics via conversations and debates. Sometimes the above are combined with an educational component, enabling newcomers to a given field to get to grips with something intriguing yet alien to them.

Most of those options seem safe on paper, but intellectual conversations and debates can be a pretty intimidating proposition at the best of times. One would expect participation to require Read more…

Posted on 20 February 2015

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