Jon Gomm [Live Review – Komedia, Brighton, 24/3/2015]

jon gomm 2015 tourSome musicians are divas. The slightest backstage issue – even the delivery of the wrong brand of hairspray to their dressing room – leads to pulled gigs and a simple refusal to perform. Fans get gutted while egos get fluffed, because hey – it’s showbiz, right?

At the other end of the scale, you have the hard sloggers. Guys and girls who push themselves onstage even when everything around them is a barely perceptible blur of chaos and stress. Nobody could fault them for taking a time out – but they go do what they do regardless.

Jon Gomm is definitely the latter. Although the 250-odd people crammed into Komedia had no doubt been waiting for this show with baited breath, it could very well have been cancelled, and Read more…

Posted on 26 March 2015

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