Alessandro Bertoni – ‘Keystone’ [Review]

alessandro bertoniYou have a choice here: Set your mind to ‘Blown’ now, or let this album do it for you. Alessandro Bertoni is an exceptionally talented composer – and on Keystone his own formidable keyboard skills are backed up by three legendary fusioneers in the form of Brett Garsed, Ric Fierabracci, and Virgil Donati. Expect grooves aplenty, cliffhanger staccato moments, and pristine production from first track Megas Alexandros Pt. 1: The Great Portrait alone. Read more…

Posted on 07 October 2014

Cea Serin – ‘The Vibrant Sound Of Bliss And Decay’ [Review]

cea serinOn The Vibrant Sound of Bliss and Decay – Cea Serin’s second LP – the self-proclaimed Snergonian mercurial metallers slaughter and sacrifice many a metal subgenre in the name of birthing something somewhat unique. Read more…

Posted on 26 September 2014

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