Beardyman – ‘Distractions’ [Review]

beardyman distractions

In an age of instant gratification, where everyone wants everything yesterday, dropping a sophomore album over three and a half years after your debut can be an anxiety-provoking event. It can be argued that music fans are more fickle than ever, easily susceptible as we all are to distraction and immediate amnesia – and under such conditions, almost any musician could reasonably expect the world to have moved on over the course of 42 minutes, let alone months. However, Beardyman is no standard-issue artist. Read more…

Posted on 08 November 2014

6 Steps To Happiness (Or, How To Deal With The Music You Hate)


You know that feeling. Perhaps it arrived the first time you heard Rebecca Black, Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, or Hot Problems by Double Take. Whenever it came to you, you can remember exactly what it was like. First, you probably felt amused. Then irritated. Then angry. Then homicidal. Maybe all of the above simultaneously. And you almost certainly felt the overwhelming desire to cut off your ears and stick your head in some unset cement.

Regardless of the exact symptoms, you definitely know that you’re not alone in suffering this way. The number of YouTube comments, Facebook status updates, mainstream news pieces and online blog posts about the above musical phenomena (and many more besides) is staggering. Consider the following Google search figures: Read more…

Posted on 01 January 2014

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