Alon Tamir – ‘I Was Mad, Now I’m Sorry’ (Feat. Yogev Gabay) [Review]

Imagine where we’d be without experiments. Without theories, tests, trials and errors. Without curiosity and creativity. The world would be a dull place indeed. Just imagine how many scientific discoveries and artistic “eureka!” moments would have been missed.

Now listen to this track. Thanks to the efforts of creative people the world over, we get to have experiences like this. How awesome is that?! Read more…

Posted on 11 May 2014

Key of the Moment – ‘The Switch’ [Review]

Sometimes a little research goes a long way. I first discovered Key Of The Moment while researching TMMP’s Guide to Project RnL, a near-exhaustive look at one of the prog scene’s most promising up-and-coming acts. Featuring the guitaristic talents of RnL’s Alon Tamir alongside a cast of brilliant instrumentalists, The Switch presents the kind of turbulent melodic metal that takes me back to my days as an avid Nightwish fan. Read more…

Posted on 27 January 2014

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