Lazy Habits – ‘The Breach’ [Review]

lazy habits japanese logoPicture a hip-hop video, and somewhere within that visualisation will be a party sequence. It’ll come complete with the usual ingredients: Endless bottles and glasses and shots and enough debauchery to put Roman orgies to shame. The underlying message will be obvious:  Read more…

Posted on 13 March 2015

A Guide To Lazy Habits – Part Two (‘RMX’)

LH_RMX_1600[2][3][1]Click here for Part One.

To review Lazy Habits’ latest release – RMX – I sat on a Northern Line Tube train and got stuck in. I chose this location for two reasons: 1) I could sit down and go through the entire album uninterrupted, and 2) opposite my seat was an unevenly positioned sticker ordering NO EYE CONTACT – PENALTY £200. These were my (mostly unedited) thoughts: Read more…

Posted on 04 February 2014

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