Leon TK x Metal Injection

Awesome news! I recently started working with Metal Injection, so feel free to check out my author page here:


I’ll still be updating this site as much as possible, but updates will probably be a bit less frequent for the time being. You can also keep up with me on Twitter as well!

IMPORTANT: If you work for a PR company / record label / etc, and have music to submit to me, do continue to do so as usual. The only significant change will be the location of my metal/hardcore/prog-related pieces, and my job at Metal Injection is to help expand their coverage – so I’m constantly (and very successfully) pitching new ideas to them using the emails you send to me! Anything that’s not related to heavy music will continue to appear here at LeonTK.com as normal.

If you have any questions, drop me an email with the subject line “METAL INJECTION”.

As always, thanks for reading!


Posted on 29 October 2018

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