Freddy Lim (Chthonic) [READ THIS INTERVIEW]

Freddy Lim Chthonic Interview New Album 2016 2017 Politician New Power Party Dalai Lama Tibet China Views Opinion Opinions Speech Sunflower Movement Amnesty International Adam Yauch Taiwan Taiwanese Member Of Parliament Supreme Pain For The Tyrant Timeless Sentence Bu-Tik Takasago Army Mirror Of Retribution Seediq Bale Relentless Recurrence 9th Empyrean Where The Ancestors Souls Gathered Satan's Horns Interview Guitar Guitarist Vocalist Vocals Drummer Drums Bass Bassist Feature Album EP Single Review CD Concert Gig Tickets Tour Download Stream Live Show Torrent Music Musician Record Label News Update Facebook YouTube Twitter VEVO Spotify iTunes Apple Music Band Logo Cover Art Bandcamp Soundcloud Release Date Digital Cover Art Artwork Split Why Did Break Up New Final Last Latest News Update Beastie Boys

Freddy Lim is not a normal politician. While his contemporaries are satisfied serving their own self-interests, Freddy Lim has made his name by helping others. As well as fronting Taiwanese extreme metal band Chthonic (pronounced “Thonic”), Lim has acted as chair of Amnesty International Taiwan for four years, organised a pair of Free Tibet concerts, met the Dalai Lama three times, formed Taiwan’s New Power Party in 2015, and been elected as a Taiwanese Member of Parliament in January this year.

This guy’s CV is impressive, to say the least.

Where the average politician is closed-minded, Freddy Lim is open. Where his opponents oppress, he aims to free. Most of all, where the average autocrat clings greedily to power and wealth and bullies others into surrendering their own, Freddy Lim is giving and generous.

As proof, I offer the above list of achievements, and this interview. Enjoy, and fight the good fight.

To a lot of people, metal is a very negative or even evil thing. How can it be used as a positive force for change?

For me, metal is just a style of music. So I think most people, they don’t understand metal. Most people think only strange people will like metal; they don’t consider it a serious business Read more…

Posted on 19 October 2016

Enter Shikari – ‘The Mindsweep’ [Review]

enter shikari the mindsweepBands capable of speaking out intelligently about political issues are few and far between these days. Most seem set on insisting that it’s all about the music and having a good time, rather than encouraging their audiences to educate themselves and act on issues that mean so much to so many, but are often ignored in the age of cheap flatscreens and Xbox Live.

TMMP’s ultimate highlight Read more…

Posted on 24 January 2015

Kyshera [Interview]

kyshera 2

Welsh alt-metallers Kyshera have a lot going for them right now. Their fans are true fanatics, getting hyper at shows and spreading the good word about their favourite band all over the world; the respect and love afforded them have been hard earned through two albums and countless shows; and 2015 is looking bright and promising, with third Kyshera LP Circles on the way. TMMP caught up with frontman James Kennedy to find out more. Read more…

Posted on 19 November 2014

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