Neil Strauss – ‘The Truth’ [Book Review]

Neil Strauss

As the song from Team America tells us, freedom isn’t free.

Pause for a second, and think about what the word “freedom” means to you. Do you associate it with money? Power? Fame? Travel? Sex? Love?

On the surface, The Truth is about the latter two terms on that list, combined under the umbrella label “relationship”. After all, its subtitle is An Uncomfortable Book About Relationships – and its author, Neil Strauss, also infamously penned The Game, a testosterone- and male-insecurity-fuelled tome primarily concerned with…shall we say…relations.

Plenty of readers will pick this book up expecting balls-to-the-wall debauchery involving more body parts than just balls. They will also find more than enough to satisfy – a literary orgy of orgies, a smorgasbord of explicit experiences recounted in graphic detail. The S-word is a core theme, as is the L-word.

But so is the T-word.


When you first dive into The Truth, tumescent with anticipation, smut-radar set to Hypersensitive, I recommend you Read more…

Posted on 13 October 2015

Marco Minnemann [Interview]

marco minnemann eepsGiven his status as one of the world’s top drummers, it’s safe to say that Marco Minnemann is a bit of a legend. Whether drumming for Joe Satriani, recording and performing as one third of The Aristocrats alongside Guthrie Govan and Bryan Beller, or working with the likes of Jordan Rudess, Tony Levin, Alex Machacek, Mike Keneally, Terry Bozzio, Nina Hagen, Necrophagist, Kreator, Buddy Rich Big Band, and Steven Wilson, Marco never fails to bring his A-game to each and every project he throws himself into. While most players would be content to hit one of the above achievements and then rest on their laurels, Marco Minnemann is clearly not.

In addition to his long list of collaborative victories, Marco Minnemann is also an immensely talented solo artist in his own right. On his latest release, EEPS – which drops today, and can be previewed and ordered via the links at the end of this post – Marco wrote and performed every note and lyric and even got involved with the production, alongside Lazy Bones Recordings head honcho Scott Schorr. In an increasingly DIY-oriented industry, Marco Minnemann is showing every up-and-coming solo artist exactly how it’s done.

In our very first Artist Interview, Marco tells TMMP about EEPS, the future, and the importance of good sex. Read more…

Posted on 09 July 2014

Bare Jams / Indigo Children / Backwoods Creek / Taygan Paxton [Live Review – The Boileroom, Guildford, 11/6/14]

bare jams rigglet gigWhen you get to a small venue and see security standing outside, you know it’s going to be a busy night. It’s a neon-jacketed signal that tells you this show has already sold a significant number of tickets before it’s even opened its doors. Latecomers are likely to find themselves missing out. However, it’s also quite common for pre-booked punters to take their time preening and perfecting their looks before heading down to the venue – meaning that the opening acts may still end up playing to a fraction of the crowd drawn by the headliners.

It’s a common assumption that opening acts are opening simply because they’re not very good – but this evening’s headliners were also its organisers, and it’s very safe to say that Bare Jams have fantastic taste! Every act on this bill was high quality. So much for common assumptions, then…

If you took your time getting to this show, prepare to commence kicking yourself. The acts you missed were: Read more…

Posted on 12 June 2014

ACODA / Wicked Snakes / CITIES [Live Review – The Boileroom, Guildford, 2/6/14]

acoda boileroomWhen two of the bands on a three-band bill spell their names in full caps, you know – or, at least, hope – that it’s going to be a) LOUD, and b) EPIC.

Last night was both loud and epic. I’ve seen some great bands over the last few nights, but this show topped the lot. A range of rock styles were unleashed, and between-set conversations were had about honey badgers, Morgan Freeman on helium, housemates sharing their homemade porn (this was a conversation topic, not something that happened at the show), and a band that don’t exist called Sex Rambo. At the end of this review, I’ll try to sum up how epic this all was in mere words. But for now… Read more…

Posted on 03 June 2014

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