TMMP’s EPs & Tracks Of 2014

I have a very strong emotional attachment to many of the releases listed below. Choosing this list was exceptionally tough; I’ve been fortunate to discover some incredible bands and artists over the past year, and it’s safe to say that outside this list lie a great many immense tunes that can be found via a quick browse through TMMP’s archives when you’re done with this lot. However, the following choices are the cream of the crop. Read more…

Posted on 27 December 2014

Princess Slayer feat. ShaoDow – ‘Rave Ninja’ [Review]

PS ft. ShaoDowOne of TMMP’s top unsigned artists.

Getting filthier than ever before.

Teaming up with a seriously sick rap don.

And referencing martial arts masterpiece Ong-Bak, and O-Ren Ishii (a key character from Kill Bill). See the videos below if you’ve never seen two of the greatest movies of all time.

This could only be better if it were being played live, in front of my eyes, with a deep thudding kick drum in my guts and those synths churning through the bodies of a field full of fellow festivalgoers. Read more…

Posted on 17 June 2014

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