Idiom – ‘Movement EP’ [Review]

idiom movementI’m not one for golden-age thinking. Although the alt-metal movement that got me into music birthed some breathtaking albums, a lot of it was shit. Alt-metal’s new breed, however, are taking the best of the past and using it to forge a better future. Read more…

Posted on 27 September 2014

Sonic Boom Six – ‘The Boom Needs You!’ [Review]

sonic boom six the boom need syouSome of the catchiest pieces of music ever written were conceived as advertising jingles. Whether it’s Go Compare’s opera singer or McDonalds’ I’m Lovin’ It campaign, we can all think of at least one jingle that we instantly regret remembering because (in the cases above) it either makes us want to kill ourselves, or was used to sell addictive products that could potentially kill you. Thank fuck, then, that Sonic Boom Six’s PledgeMusic campaign is being pushed out into the world via The Boom Needs You! – a song that I didn’t originally plan on reviewing, but which became so lodged in my brain that I felt compelled to write these words. Read more…

Posted on 21 August 2014

Tree House Fire – ‘Actions & Reactions’ [Review]

tree house fire actions reactionsBands with their heads screwed on make TMMP’s world go round. I’ve met many people who think of reggae, ska, and dub as tired and behind the times – but fortunately albums like this form an ideal rebuttal. Funded via none-more-modern crowdfunders Pledge Music and filled with upbeat vibes, incredible tunes and inventive musicianship, Actions & Reactions serves as a pitch-perfect pick-me-up and a spot made of soundwaves where youthful energy meets mature themes culled from struggles punctuated with moments of relief. Read more…

Posted on 18 August 2014

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