Takedown Festival 2015 [Festival Review]

TD-23-01-15-ANNOUNCEMENTbThe first thing that needs to be said is this: Takedown Festival 2015 was really well-run. Organising an event that takes in over 40 bands across five stages, runs to schedule, and delivers a smooth, hassle-free and fun experience for punters is a serious ask – but the Takedown crew rose to the challenge and did an awesome job. Even the security were nice guys. Or maybe paid actors.

The second thing that needs to be said? Fuck Read more…

Posted on 11 March 2015

Miss Vincent [Interview]

miss vincentWith Takedown Festival commencing in approximately 24 hours, Guildfordian punk upstarts Miss Vincent got talking to TMMP about Takedown, the time their vocalist fell offstage, and the meaning of punk… Read more…

Posted on 06 March 2015

Black Peaks [Interview]

black peaks glass built castles

UPDATE: TMMP has been reborn! This video has the full story:

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As one of the UK rock scene’s most hotly-hyped bands of right now, Black Peaks are a band you’ve probably at least heard of, and definitely need to hear. Talked up with huge enthusiasm by Jamie Lenman during a recent TMMP interview, behind the praise and acclaim Black Peaks are more than a mere “hype band”. On record and onstage, Black Peaks have Read more…

Posted on 05 March 2015

Ashestoangels [Interview]

ashestoangels pressWith Takedown Festival on the horizon, there are many reasons to get excited for this weekend. Goth-punk superstars-in-waiting Ashestoangels are one such reason. TMMP caught up with Ashestoangels frontman Crilly to talk creativity, memories, and the time his band almost demolished a music venue… Read more…

Posted on 04 March 2015

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